Cool Track Tuesday

Cool Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I’m back. We did not get home until 10:15pm from Montreal. I wasn’t sure if I would be at track today. But I needed motivation to get up and start getting ready for the Fall semester. Vacation is over. Track was my “ get your ass up, we got shit to do” so get out of bed. I was smart enough to pack my Nike track gear when we left for Montreal, just in case we did not get back in time.

Today was a good and easy workout. It helped that it was in the low 60s and cool this morning. I actually had a jacket on. I’m not complaining, I’m just happy. To get my 3 miles in, we ran a 1000m at 10k pace and two 200s at 1 pace. Then I just ran around the track 6 more times.

It was wonderful to see my read crew and everyone at track. Always a point of happiness. Thursday is Mob Mile, so I’ll see everyone there. I was a bit tired and stiff this morning. Probably from the 5 and half hour drive, not getting enough sleep last night and eating enough. The task got done. And my morning started off right.

5 miler Tuesday

5 miler Tuesday

Finished long run miles

Finished long run miles