Sociologist, Scholar Activist, Catholic (Hypocritical Catholic Who is Functionally Pissed), Runner, Traveler
I started running because of grief. Losing my Mother to cancer in 2011 left me numb to the world. I was in it but not living life. Two years after her passing I was on a 5 mile relay team because my friend needed an extra person.
I was not a runner. Why would anybody run? I'm a team player
I was so nervous and scared. Had no clue what I was doing or where to put that damn bib number. But I did it. I was so stunned. Something happened. I felt a little bit of life come back to me.
Slowly I started to run more. I started to heal and live. For me runs became therapy. I would talk to my mother, cry, think, pray, curse.
And a whole new world opened up. I started to run 5ks... then 10ks.
As I was approaching 40 I trained for my first half marathon. Scared, nervous, anxious of the unknown but I did it. Then I decided to do 4 half's to celebrate each decade of my life.
It only made sense that at 41st birthday be my first marathon, right? I am not a marathon runner, I didn't think of myself as a runner. I was going to do it. Flying Pig in Cincinnati would be my marathon. Since that is my hometown I wanted my friends and family to come and see me.
As I started to train Blizzard Juno came and there was 10 feet of snow in Boston. I still had to train, I was committed. Of course I would get stares as I ran in the early weather mornings.
That goal was accomplished and it was an experience I would never forget. All that training, time, and what? Training for marathons are hard on my body. I like doing half's.
Then I thought why not do 50 half's in 50 states because no else has come up with that goal! LOL. 50 states, 50 half's by 50. I can see and explore the country and run.
Being a Sociologist and African American woman. I noticed the whiteness of running and how runners of color are invisible. There are many gendered, raced, class, and structural dynamics that come into play.
Dr. Tiffany G. Chenault