A Hotz Track Tuesday

A Hotz Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

We are back! It’s the first Track Tuesday after the 4th of July Holiday Break. And it’s hot. We are in a bit of a heat bubble. It is already 77 degrees and it is not even 6a.m. yet….ugh. Today’s workout, required me to do a bit of math. We had a 1000m at 10k pace- that equals two times around the track and a bit more.

Two - 500s. -Going around the track once with a bit more .

1 -200m- half the track.

then two 400s- around the track one. The finish is a 200.

I also had to know what corner of the track to start off at. We did it and got it together.

When we started the stretching I was already dipping with sweat. I wasn’t alone.

I really enjoy the energy and vibe of my team red! They are all badass ladies and did a great job today. I think my pacing skills ( aka. math skills and multi-tasking) are getting a bit better.

Another Track Tuesday

Another Track Tuesday

Saturday with Stalkers, humidity and mugginess : Week 1 of Marathon Training

Saturday with Stalkers, humidity and mugginess : Week 1 of Marathon Training