Another Track Tuesday

Another Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

And it’s another track Tuesday. Today we got gifts. Shoes and a tote bag, Thank you Nike, Coach Dan, and Hustle Russell- the Nike Rep. Since I’m training for the November Marathon, I need to put in some miles. Being in Baltimore for a birthday celebration and Janet Jackson concert last weekend didn’t help with adding in miles. I decided to run a mile before track- something I have never done. The workout that we were going to do was just barely two miles.

I ran a muggy mile before practice. As we set up, Coach Dan ask me to do a cheer. I got my cheer inspiration from him “ fast, faster, fastest”. Bamn! Short, simple, and to the point.

We were doing 9x300s- 10k pace, 5k pace, 1 mile pace- 3 sets. I started off fast on the 10k pace. Even Coach Dan told me to slow down. I was excited and ready to go. I need to be mindful of how I start. 10k can have a chill start- got it.

We had fun today. I got back on Sunday( all day recovery), Monday went to strength training class and did a mile on the elliptical machine and now I’m here today. I may not running the miles I need, thus far but I’m moving.

It was a good day. We had some shades and a breeze or two to make things a bit better.

Pond Running

Pond Running

A Hotz Track Tuesday

A Hotz Track Tuesday