Last Track Tuesday of June 2024

Last Track Tuesday of June 2024

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I thought today would be a malfunction day for Track Tuesday. Coach Dan was gone, MB my team red pacer partner was gone, some of the regular pacers were gone. It’s that time of the summer season. We were down and had to make adjustments on the pacing. Coach Julia substituted for coach Dan. We made sure that every group had a pacer. Fine. Then , I didn’t understand the workout. 6x400, 4x200 with a 2:00 break between each pace. And we were running this at mile pace. I wanted to make sure I understood the assignment. Then when I left the house I forgot to put on deodorant. At least I brushed my teach.

I was solo on this. I had to keep a mile pace going. When I saw for team red a 400 was a 2:07 pace. Ok, I can do that.

I had to readjust my attitude. It was a beautiful day at 73 degrees. I was here, so I knew I could do it.

Team red was great today. And it was great that everyone was a bit confused on the pace instructions. My body felt good running. I know I have extra weight on me, that I need to get off. That was part of my attitude. It was all good. Everyone was great.

Yeah, for Tuesday. We’ll do this again next month.

A wet, muggy, and stalker morning

A wet, muggy, and stalker morning

Thursdays 74 degrees by 6:30a.m.

Thursdays 74 degrees by 6:30a.m.