We're Outside: Track Tuesday

We're Outside: Track Tuesday

COVID- 19 , “ The Rona Era”

Well, here we go! It’s like the first day of class. Outdoor Track Tuesday at MIT. The first week of April was our last indoor track session at the Reggie. It’s been only 7 weeks but it feels as if we have been gone for months.

I know I am out of running and track running shape. I’ve been doing a lot of birthday and graduation celebrations. Time to get my butt in gear.

This morning it was humid AF. Thankfully Coach Dan was easing us back into the track with 8-10 4oos with a 60sec break in between. That means one lap around, break, then repeat. I could do that.

Starting off 2024 outdoor track training, we had a lot of new things. New shoes for folks to try, new wristbands, hats, and a Nike video guy filming. Coach Dan was being recorded. There was a lot of activities this morning.

Plus, seeing everyone from our 7 week break, meant a lot of hugs and “ how was your summer” LOL.

I was happy to see folks on team Red. Coach Dan had a good point. The groups are fast, faster, and fastest. Period. All the F’s. No S’s.

I made sure to eat before the workout. To be honest , I wasn’t sure how I would do. For my group, we were running at a 10k, which means 2:25- 400. I could do that. Actually, I was going a bit faster than I should. I need to work on my pacing. I was in the range.

Doing trackwork my legs did not feel as strong or fast as they should. I may have to limit strength training or do a different kind of strength training.

It was fun and good. First day back. I’m not happy with the 159.2 on the scale this morning. Hey, I own it and will work on it.

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