5 half marathons at 50: half #2 Pioneer Run Crew 7th year anniversary run

5 half marathons at 50: half #2 Pioneer Run Crew 7th year anniversary run

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

In my wisdom, I made a plan of 5 for 50. 5- half marathons and 5-5ks. My first half marathon at 5-0 was the flying pig. A half I had never done before. Keeping with the theme of new halves, Pioneer Run Crew had a half marathon and 10k race to celebrate their 7th year. This race is local and it’s organized by one of the run crews of color. I love pioneers and support them every chance I get.

I really must love them because the half marathon started at 8a.m., which is late and it’s a loop. I hate loops. But I was doing it for the culture and to check a half off my list.

We were running by Carson Beach. I knew enough to pack a fuel vest because I would have to hydrate and fuel up. Before we got started, it was like a family reunion. I saw folks that I haven’t seen in a while from trailblazhers, BMR, BGR, and pioneer folks that I haven’t seen. This really is my running community. The love, support, and representation is just unreal.

I knew several of the folks that were running a half. I hadn’t run a half since May( flying pig) and I’ve been birthday and graduation celebrating. Oh well.

Here I was. I knew I had to be strong and steady. This was my race and my pace. The first loop, I made sure to follow the people, because I wasn’t sure were we were going. By the second mile, we were on the sidewalk to Carson beach, which I knew. No problem.

When we came back to the start/finish line, I had to go again, which is why I had loops. The second loop, the temperatures rose and more people were on the beach. Walking, running, doing yoga, smoking all the things, boating, strolling,….and here we were running between them all.

I was tired, hot, and annoyed. My girl Nat, from BGR gave me her extra pack of fruit chews which I so appreciated. I knew I was struggling. I knew going in I was going to finish the half but it wasn’t going to be pretty.

I was on the last leg, and a volunteer from Live fit nation( around running/workout crew), ran and talked with me for a little bit without shoes on. Slow, steady, and strong. The was the mantra. He was just what I needed.

1 mile to the finish line, I fell…Bam! on the pavement. My left hand was bleeding and my left knee was bruised up. I got up because I had to finish. I hurt but I had to keep going. About .50 miles from the finish a guy from behind me told me to keep going. I told him, I was going to run and finish with him. I needed the encouragement to run with someone so I would not drag my feet. I would run.

And I did. We finished. I don’t know my time. My watch had 2hours and 23 minutes. We’ll see.

This race was hard physically and mentally. This was a test. I passed it. I can do hard things. I want to do them without falling.

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