50th Birthday Race: Flying Pig Half Marathon

50th Birthday Race: Flying Pig Half Marathon

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

This is the homecoming race. This is the homecoming celebration. It made sense to me to run the Flying Pig in Cincinnati. 50 is a huge milestone in my life. I wanted to go where it all started. To reminisce in my hometown. Since my mom is no longer here, I could be close to her. Plus, my Cincinnati family and friends could celebrate this with me.

I didn’t have the energy to train for a marathon. Besides, I already ran the Flying Pig Marathon. But I haven’t run the half. I signed up for the half and the 5k. Originally, dad and Scott were going to run it. Well, walk or dance it.

Dad’s heart valve issue, pacemaker, and other heart related procedures and recovery put that on hold. We’ll do another race together.

I have returned, at 50 to run in my hometown. We got an airbnb in over the rhine. My friend Lisette stayed with me. My cousins came to visit and I saw my aunts and best friends.

Let’s talk about this race.

Saturday was the 5k. It started at 9a.m. There might have been over 20,000 folks running the 5k. 10 minutes before we started, it was announced, there would be a 1 hour delay because of the thunderstorms. That was a first time that had happened to me. Well, one hour turned into three. With torrential rains and thunderstorms and lightening. We found a tent for cover. Lucky for us, the tent next to us was First Watch and they had coffee and were making fresh pancakes. We made the most of it. We ate and made new friends under the tent.

I was cold and wet, wet and cold. By noon the rain had stopped and the heat and humidity was turned up. First of all. I’ve never run at noon. I don’t do it on a causal bases or for a race. But here I was.

I ran a 5k, three hours later than planned. It seemed so long because it was hot. But I did it.

Since it was Saturday, Amelia and Angie came out to celebrate. Of course my ass was out until 11:30pm. It’s not like I didn’t have a half marathon to run. Seeing my friends took priority. It’s not like I’ve never run a half marathon before.

Sunday- Race day

The race started at 6:30a.m. Over 30,000 folks showed up to run the marathon or the half. By 6 a.m. I was already hot. It was in the upper 60s- joy!

I’m happy that I saw the ladies of BGR Cincinnati, we were in the same corral together. I knew it was going to be a hot one. I just wanted to be in the moment and feel everything. Man, I forgot how packed the race was. I didn’t cross the start line until 7a.m. That’s how many folks were there.

I remember- crossing the bridge, running over into Kentucky. I made sure to take advantage of every water stop. I didn’t think to bring water or fuel with me. I was going to keep going on.

I was doing good until Mile 5 ish. We crossed back into Ohio. We ran through downtown- which was awesome. 5th street was closed down. So many people on both sides of the streets cheering. Then we went up a hill. Ahhh yes, I remembered this. Up the hill going towards Eden Park and Mt. Adams. Cursing started and the heat was heating up.

I had to be smart about this. Feel my body and my pace. I saw a couple of sister gals ahead of me. I tried to tag them to keep me going. To be honest I was tried. I know why. I made hanging out with my girls last night a priority. I was paying the price. The heat was not helping.

I kept going.

I made it up through Eden Park. Then I passed by St. Ursula. I knew I was getting close to the turn point. I remember we( half and full) runners were together. Then there was a point, a sign. Marathoners go right, half go left. I came to that sign and turned left( of course I had to take a picture).

Now, this was a new route to me. And of course we went up a hill. Ugh, cursing and anger. It was getting hot. We all got text alert it said “ Course is Red Flagged. Runners are encouraged to listen to their bodies and slow their pace”.

I had passed the Harriet Beecher Stow house and we were going downhill. It was hot. I appreciated and had a shot of beer from a black owner brewery. https://esotericbrewing.com/. It was soooo good. It was just what I needed to keep going. My issue: lack of fuel and energy.

As usual, the last 5k pissed me off. We ran downtown by the jail and did a loop before going back on the path towards the riverfront area. Loops piss me off.

Time: 2:36:44

6430th out of 10539

11:58 pace

158th place of 437 F50-54

It was great to do finish. One half down, 4 more to go for the 50th jubilee birthday year.

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