Memorial Weekend -10 miler

Memorial Weekend -10 miler

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

It’s been one week since graduation shenanigans and the end of the semester. The only running I’ve done really is the Harpoon 5 miler which was the Sunday after graduation. This week has been a taking it easy, resting before making summer plans for running, writing, research and organizing. #life.

I have been going to strength training class, that has been consistent. Which is good. But I need to run miles. I need to up my mileage game. This Saturday, I needed to get back on my 10 miler Saturday. I need to run 10 miles anyway because I signed up for a half marathon on June 1st with Pioneers running crew.

Half #2 to celebrate 50… yeah that was my idea.

Right now, I’m a bit on the struggle bus. Today, 10miles. I couldn’t myself up early( 5:30a.m.). I didn’t get to the Charles by the MIT side until close to 7a.m. Already it was 67 degrees.

I thought I would run around the esplande- go through Back Bay and run through the Public Gardens and Commons. Then I ran over to Charlestown and the Navy Pier. Boston is a small big town.

I had on my fuel vest- which had water and a gel and started running around the Esplande.

With this being graduation weekend as well as memorial day holiday, there are many tourist in town. I say this because I saw 6 black folks running along the Esplanade too. I never really see this. Everyone was friendly and spoke. Now this is my assumption because I didn’t stop and ask if they were from here. I’m going with my gut. I saw a black couple, two older black women, a guy, and a women running. That made me happy.

My body felt tired. I think I need to hydrate and eat more. I know I don’t have enough fuel in my system. Ironically, my body felt tired but strong. Yeah to strength training. It doesn’t service me well if there is no gas to keep the car going.

Anyway, since it is memorial day weekend , I wanted to have a themed memorial day run. That’s why I made my way to the ducks and the commons. I thought the ducks would be dressed up for the weekend. And I knew there would be flags on the commons for the military folks that have lost their lives since 9/11. I wanted to make sure to run by the Shaw memorial that honors the 54th regiment, the all black regiment that served in the civil war.

As it was getting later, more people started to come outside. To explore the parks, walk their dogs, and even walk and run. Oh and it was getting hotter. I’ll be honest. It was a beautiful morning. Blue Sky- no clouds in sight.

So I broke up my run:


5k: 32:55

1miler: 12:06

This run I stopped when I reached my car and had some water before continuing with the 5k. I had stopped earlier to chat with someone from the Heartbreakers pace group.

This run took longer than I would have liked. I’m still winning because I was out there. The weather was not as bad as it could have been.

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