Running along the Pond

Running along the Pond

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve run around Horn Pond. Since school is done, I can go back to my “pond” roots. Today is Thursday. For some, the start of the memorial day weekend celebration. This weekend is also graduation weekend for a lot of the universities in the area. Having the early morning quiet and humidity around the pond is something that is needed. Not the humidity part.

To be honest, I haven’t been putting in enough weekly miles. I’ve been going to strength training class, which is great. But I need to run more. This morning I ran 2.50 miles and then did some walking up a hill. I need to get back into running form. Next Tuesday, we start Track Tuesday on the MIT track. I’m worried that I won’t be up to par for being a Pacer for team red. I’ll work through my issues.

Today, it was a lovely 5k around the pond. Just being out there, I’m winning. My body felt strong. I need to make sure I have enough fuel to keep going. I can’t have a clothing malfunction. Since I’m wearing shorts, I need pockets or something to hold my keys and phone. Something that is easily fixable. All of this- first world issues.

The highlight of the run was seeing the geese cross the street and running up the hills without stopping.

It was a good morning.

Memorial Weekend -10 miler

Memorial Weekend -10 miler

May 19, 2024- Runaversary

May 19, 2024- Runaversary