Pond Running and Headlight

Pond Running and Headlight

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Ugh, the last Thursday of August. I can’t believe it. But here we are. Today was a 4 miler morning. I was ready to go by 5:20a.m. and it was dark outside. NOOOOO. I need a headlight. Especially since I was running around Horn Pond. I got the headlight and headed out.

It was quiet out. I did not need my light on for too long because the sun was slowly starting to raise. My goal was to keep running. Less stopping and taking pictures. In my head I kept hearing coach Tia talk about TOF- Time on Feet. I felt good and strong this morning. Training was paying off. I ran the first loop around the pond without a problem. Then I ran the second loop. And guess what happened? I fell! I was running through the dark and fell. To be honest, I am not sure what happened. I picked up my feet, I was not dragging. I was mindful of my surroundings…the dirt, rocks, branches. But I fell.

There was a woman walking the opposite direction who saw me fall. My headband, headlight, and hat flew off. I told her I was fine and kept on running. My hands were all dirty and slightly bruised up. My phone was cracked. There were pebbles and some dirt in my phone. And the worse part, my right foot…the top of my foot hurt to apply pressure. I just had to adjust and run at a slower pace.

Talk about being pissed. Everything was so great until. I still saw a beautiful sunrise and felt strong. I’m going to have to ice and elevate this bad boy because I have miles to run.

4.24 miles, 11:10mile/pace, 47:19.

Opening Day Tuesday

Opening Day Tuesday

10 miler Saturday

10 miler Saturday