Opening Day Tuesday

Opening Day Tuesday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era

Today is Track Tuesday with the Heartbreakers running crew and I won’t be there. I have to do my day job and attend opening day because classes start on Wednesday. I really hate missing track Tuesday but I have to be on campus by 8a.m. and there is no way I would make it if I went to track. Also, perhaps a blessing in disguise, my foot still is swollen. There is no way I could be a pacer if I am still wobbling around.

This morning I was going to try to walk or at least go to the Y and get on the bike. Sleeping with compression socks, icing, and poppin two aleve really helped out. The left side of my foot is still swollen but I can put pressure on my foot and it didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt to walk. So I thought I would try to run and see how that goes.

Putting on running issues was not an issue-check. As I slowly started running, I did not feel pain- check. I thought I would take it easy and run a mile. That was ok. Next thought, run to the track and do my own track tuesday workout. I ran four miles today.

It's still summer

It's still summer

Pond Running and Headlight

Pond Running and Headlight