It's still summer

It's still summer

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

I’m still in recovery from my fall last Thursday. Feel 98% much better. My right toe is a bit sore but I can put weight on my foot…hence I can run. Today I ran 4 miles. Normally on Thursday morning, I’ll run around Horn Pond. Since my fall there I’m going to give it a minute before I revisit the pond. Instead I ran on the Tri-Community greenway.

I was taking it easy, feeling my body as I ran. The goal was to take less pictures and run straight through. It was quiet on the greenway. I did see a man sitting on one of the roads with his laptop and hat down low which covered his face. I made sure to pick up my face when I ran by him.

Fall officially starts Sept. 21st and already all the fall pumpkins and festivities are out. It’s still summer damnit and everyone needs to chill with the fall stuff.

After mile two, I was feeling strong and good. My right leg, which I fell on did feel a bit week at times. I ran 4 miles at 11:25 pace and finished in 45:52 minutes.

Not bad for early summer morning running

Road to Wellness 5k 10th anniversary

Road to Wellness 5k 10th anniversary

Opening Day Tuesday

Opening Day Tuesday