10 miler Saturday

10 miler Saturday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Yesterday, Friday was a let my body rest day. No running no strength training. It also was a “ now I can focus and work day”. The DNC had me addictive, hopefully, and motivated. Monday through Thursday it was all fire from the roll call, The Obamas, Tim Walz, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Oprah, and more. I would have the DNC on for background noise but I ended up watching. Hoping for a positive outcome in November, less than 11 weeks.

Friday was a recovery day in so many ways. Today, is a running day. A long run, running day. KB sent me a schedule to run 12 miles, she ran 10 miles, so I will run 10 miles too.

I ran along the Charles Esplanade because I knew that would be a 10 mile loop. I did not want to run and out and back. Around 6:10a.m. it was still cool and the sun was slowly starting to come up. I had hydration and fuel with me because I need to get in the habit of carrying them with me on a long run.

My knees are wonky. I not sure why. I may need to go back to acupuncture. Slow, steady, and strong was the way to go. Starting off it was quiet. I did my black count. The number of black folks I see while running. I saw six. Four women and two men. One of the women I know from track Tuesday, the rest all were running or fast walking and acknowledged me. That was nice. We nodded to each other.

The later in the morning it got, the more people came out to run. There were lots of groups running. It might be because school is about to start around MIT, Harvard, BU. I show men and women , three different groups of runners running.

Meanwhile, my toes were hurting. That is a sign to get a pedicure and I was getting tired of running. I should have walked a mile for a cool down for 11 miles total. I was pleased with my second 10 miler. It was a lot better than my first 10 miler during training. It’s getting better.

10.06 miles, 1:56:55; 11:37/mile pace

Pond Running and Headlight

Pond Running and Headlight

5 miler Thursday

5 miler Thursday