Saturday 8 miler

Saturday 8 miler

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

This weeks long miles is less than last week. I ran 10 miles in Montreal. Today, I’m running 8 miles in Medford, Somerville, and Charlestown. I wanted to mix up the miles and where I ran. Today I ran along the Mystic River Reservation. I know that loop in 5 miles and I can ran to Charlestown and back for 8 miles.

This morning it was a bit cool but muggy. I actually slept in a little late. I slept til 6:30a.m. and arrived at Assembly Row at 7a.m. I know rest is important and I need to be mindful of making sure I get “ good sleep”. Please our friend fall is knocking on summer’s door. In the early morning, it’s dark. The bright light of 5a.m. is a distance memory.

So I made it to the Mystic. I did the warm up exercises on my Every Woman’s Marathon training app before running. The morning run started off quiet. I was smart. I brought extra full with me, just in case I would need something. Trying to be starter I had toast last night….good carbs and some red wine.

I ran around the river. I tried not to stop a lot, just keep on running. The first couple of miles are always the warm up. It takes a while to get into a groove. Then I was good. After my loop, I made my way to Charlestown. There was a lot of street re-pavement action going on. I kept thinking, I’m out here running and these men and women are working this morning. Talk about the privilege of running.

I kept running. I made it Bunker Hill. Hill work got done this morning. It was quiet around the monument. Usually there are folks walking with their dogs. It was just me.

Running on the return leg back to Assembly row and my car seemed easier. Since it was later in the day, I saw more people on the Mystic River path. There was even a yoga class setting up for outdoor yoga.

Another baseline established: 8:03; 10:52mile/pace. 1:27:17. Feeling good and strong

Track Tuesday before the rain

Track Tuesday before the rain

5 miler Tuesday

5 miler Tuesday