Track Tuesday before the rain

Track Tuesday before the rain

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Last night was the first night of the DNC convention. I tried to stay up to see President’s Biden speech but it was after 10pm and girlfriend had to go to bed. I was up late and getting up this morning was a struggle. It didn’t help that it was still dark outside.

I got my ass up and ready for Track Tuesday. It was still darkish when I left the house. Sunrise is so much later. I made it to the track by 5:30 a.m. Since I was here, I might as well run a mile. I keep thinking about TOF- Time on Feet, for Marathon training. I was rewarded with a beautiful red, orange, and yellow sunshine.

The workout this week was two 10min tempo runs and 2-4x200s at 10kpace and 5k alternating between each. I think I really need to stretch more because my legs for tight. Plus I need fuel or hydrate correctly. Note to side.

Other than that, I felt strong and good. Team red killed it today. I was so proud of them. With my mile run before and 8 min warm up, I got 4 miles done this morning. The weather was cool and perfect for running. We finished before the rain started to come down.

Overall a good running track tuesday morning.

5 miler Thursday

5 miler Thursday

Saturday 8 miler

Saturday 8 miler