5 miler Thursday

5 miler Thursday

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Fall is knocking hard. I was up at 5 a.m. and it was dark. Sunrise is now 5:48a.m. I had to hit snooze a couple of times. Last night was date night. The Iowan and I went to the North End for dinner and then had dessert on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. We were taking in the city lights, music, and the people. It wasn’t too late of a night because I knew I had to get up early this morning.

We decided to watch the DNC when we got home and replay Michelle Obama’s badass speech from Tuesday night. I tried to stay up to see Bill Clinton but that didn’t happen. Ms. Oprah killed it with her speech. Loving all of the DNC and I’m in hopeful.

This hopeful person had to go to bed to run in the morning. Around 5:30a.m. I started moving. It’s too early to start wearing a headlight to go running.

I did not really stretch this morning. I felt it running. I know I was running slow and maybe a bit stiff. It took around mile 2.5 for me to loosen up.

I was very happy for the cool 63 degree weather. I ran through the East Boston greenway to the connector. Then I ran to Constitution Beach. It was a beautiful run. On my return leg back home I saw two of my strength training folks running on the greenway too.

I was a moon chaser this morning. The moon was out at least until 7 .a.m. I made that into a game for myself. That was my fun.

5.11, 11:15/mile pace, 57:26mins and 590caleries burned.

10 miler Saturday

10 miler Saturday

Track Tuesday before the rain

Track Tuesday before the rain