Fall Running for Thursday
COVID-19, “The Rona Era”
This was my first run in Massachusetts. I’m still on my half marathon high from Portland Oregon. Not only did I run a half marathon, 20 months from my last half marathon but I was gone for a week. Flying on night on Tuesday, coming back Wednesday afternoon, adjusting to the time, and running after not running three days is a lot. I wanted to take this morning in stride. I ran around Horn Pond, 2.15 miles. I should have made it a 4 miler( twice around the lake) but I didn’t. I was up at 5:50 a.m. this morning for a virtual 6 a.m. weight class from the Cal-Zone which was great.
Normally by 6 a.m. I would be out the door and running. Weight class and a two mile run was good way to wake up my body and reset it back to east coast time and weather conditions.
This was a beautiful fall morning around the lake. The weather was crisp and the fall colors of the leaves were very red, yellow, and bright. With the dew off the lake and the sun rising, it was a perfect run.
I did see a couple of runners, all men out and men walking their dogs. Not sure if it was the time of day but this was a very male running space this morning- side note. My pace was around a 11 min/mile. I was in no hurry and I just wanted to take things easy.
Still feeling good and I’m glad to get a run on.
Morning run around Horn Pond