Last Long Run before the French Long Run

Last Long Run before the French Long Run

11.48 miles. I should have done 13.1, I should have done 15 miles but I did 11.48 miles. It was a good long spring one. This was the first time in 2019 that I was not layered. Last weekend when I ran 21 miles it snowed and I was layered to the max. There was something light and freeing to not be bogged down with clothing.

Today I wanted to run a route that I haven’t been in a while. I went south to Castle Island, Carson Beach, UMASS Boston, and the JFK museum. To see and smell the ocean was a welcomed part of knowing spring is here.

I had a good strong run and I was running at a great pace. Training works. :). Running along South Boston and Dorchester is a different vibe than along the Charles and East Boston. The change was nice and I didn’t get tired.

I might have had more wine than I planned on Friday night which could explain the miles. LOL.

Viva La France

Outdoor Track

Outdoor Track

Feeling those inclines and speeds

Feeling those inclines and speeds