Pond Running and Sonya

Pond Running and Sonya

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

This week has been a week. My friend Yolanda was in town from Florida. I have not seen her since 2018. We were out Monday and Tuesday night, also known as Strength training Monday and Track Tuesday. I made it through. It was great seeing her.

Yesterday President Biden gave his speech and reason for not running. And the internet is finally blowing up after the murder of Sonya Massey. A black women who called the police for help and was shot twice in the head. I refuse to watch the video of her murder. She was 36, in her night robe with a tea pot. I just can’t deal the devaluing of black women.

As I ran today, I was thinking about safety of black women. And when Kamala is President, she will have to be super protected.

So many thoughts. This morning I ran in the muggy weather around Horn Pond. The geese were out as well as the runners and walkers. It was busy at 5:45a.m.. I kept good and strong running. I think I needed more fuel in my tank.

This morning, an older gentlemen who I’ve seen twice nice walking around the pond, likes to give me words or encouragement and a high five. It’s sweet. Next week, if I see him, I’m going to have to ask his name.

This morning, I also have a doctor’s appointment, my annual. I want to talk with her about this weight gain. I feel heavy when I run. This is a new thing. Not sure if it is the hormones or medicines. Something needs to be done.

4.14 miles, 11:25mile pace, 47:15 time

Last Friday Beach Run in July

Last Friday Beach Run in July

Track Tuesday

Track Tuesday