Hope and Resistance : July

Hope and Resistance : July

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Oh Tuesday, Tuesday. Normally today is a Track Tuesday Workout. With the 4th of July being on a Thursday, it was cancelled this week. This year the 4th is in the middle of the week, many folks are on vacation or taking off.

This morning, is also day two of the 20 week training for Every Women’s Marathon. I’m going to do my best to follow the plan. The plan had 30 seconds of stretching with 5 different exercises and a 2-3 mile run.

Man, did I need to run. I’m angry and scared about the recent decisions from the Supreme Court. I feel our democracy is at stake and we will become a fascist country. First the court denied a woman’s choice and health decisions with the over turn of Roe v. Wade. Then we had decisions around Chevon, which limits federal power. Now, the president can do whatever he or she wants without any checks and balances from the three systems of government that we have.

I had to run this morning to burn off my crazy and emotions.

I appreciate the 73 degree cool weather, waterviews, and seeing the sun.

Day two of this training is good. I need to build up to run 3-4 miles without stopping. I used to do that. I really think I have to work on nutrition. I need to check training and how to probably hydrate and fuel my body.

And I should buy my plane ticket. Anywho, it was a good morning to run. My body felt strong but I got tired( proper fuel and hydration is needed).

4.01 miles ; 43:36; 10:52 mile pace

Day before the 4th Fireworks

Day before the 4th Fireworks

Road to Wellness: Community Day

Road to Wellness: Community Day