Last day of September 2023

Last day of September 2023

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

Last night there was the Super Blue Moon. It was big, bright, and full in the sky. Of course I didn’t see it because I was sleeping. This morning at 5:20a.m. on my way to run, there she was. It was in awe of the beauty and brightness of the moon. It felt like you could touch it.

Today I went back to Assembly row to run around the Mystic River. The goal of the morning , 4 miles. When I parked and started to run, I tried to chase after to moon. She was still big and bright but she was moving down, to make way for the sun.

Today was a good day to break in my new Brooks Glycerin 20. I know I say this all the time. I felt good and strong but I don’t think I had enough fuel/hydration in my tank. Slow, steady, and strong is my mantra.

As I tried, I still couldn’t catch the moon for a picture. The pictures I took wouldn’t do the moon justice anyway. I kept running around the river. Then the sun slowly started to show her face. Let’s be real. I’m a sunrise runner anyway. I wanted to take advantage of the sun and moonlight. When fall hits, there will be nothing but darkness.

With the moon and sunrise chasing it took me a lot longer to do 4 miles than I normally would run. 47 mins.

11:58 min/mil. That’s ok. It was longer than I expect but the miles got done, period.

First September 2023 run

First September 2023 run

Last Track Tuesday of August 2023

Last Track Tuesday of August 2023