6th annual BGR Firecracker Run

6th annual BGR Firecracker Run

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

Wet and rainy and the words to describe the weather this week. Oh, I should add the word humid too. Tofay is the 6th annual Firecracker run at Castle island. I haven’t run in a couple of days. I’m looking forward to running with my BGR crew before working the rest of the day.

I’ll be honest, I feel heavy. I think my two day writing retreat in Stow with food and wine has a lot to do with it. I’ve got to get my shit together. Today, Tuesday I’m going to start to get my act together.

When I arrived at Castle Island at 5:45a.m. it started to rain. I have a hat on, so it’s fine. Slowly, the ladies and BMR men started to show. We kicked things off with a warm up by Brandy. Brandy is known throughout the city for exercise and fitness.

After our warm up, the rain stopped. Hmmmm. An exercise rain dance? My original plan was to run a 5k to reactive this heavy body. I ran around the island and heated towards Carson Beach, which was 2 miles or so. Then I turned around to go back to Castle Island. On my way around I saw some of group running. This was their second time around the island.

I jumped in and ran with them. I ran at pace with them( Suzanne, Nat, Cherlynn). You know it’s a good pace if you are talking , laughing, and still running. I appreciate the extra push I got from them. When we made it back to Castle Island my mileage was 3.60miles. My co-ambassador, pushed me not to leave change and run .40 miles to finish. I had to do it to shut her up. :). Nat, bitched at her too and we both got .40 miles in.

It was a good and run morning.

Disrespectful Morning heat

Disrespectful Morning heat

July 1st 2023

July 1st 2023