Friday urban goodness

Friday urban goodness

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I was not motivated this morning to get up. I knew with all the meetings I had this morning, I needed to. Slowly, I made my way out of bed and did all kinds of stretches to wake my body up. Once I did that, the motivation slowly came. Today I have an 8 a.m. call with Quinn, the genetic counselor, 9 a.m. hair appointment, 3pm meeting and working on class syllabus in between all of that. In theory, if I got up and ran earlier ( 5:30 a.m.), I could have run longer miles and not be rushed to get ready for all the meetings.

I left the house at 6:30 a.m., with headlight, pepper gel, layered clothing, and gloves. This was the sweet spot of running because the sunrises at 7:13 a.m. and I’m in the light transition from dark to light. I planned on running a 10k this morning. With my 8 a.m. meeting, I didn’t think that could happen. 4.01 miles did. My four miles was artsy, beautiful, empowering, and strong.

Sunday 10k

Sunday 10k

Thursday a.m. beach run

Thursday a.m. beach run