Thursday a.m. beach run

Thursday a.m. beach run

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

It’s warm out today. 38 degrees this morning. We are going to get a mixture of rain and snow later in the week. This morning, I could feel the cold coming in my knees. Yesterday was a rest, I don’t feel like running day. I did do 40 minutes of Chole Ting to move all of my body. I will admit this morning I am a bit sore. That is just a reminder to do Chloe Ting at least twice a week.

I will be honest that it took me a while to get out of bed,thou I was up, naturally at 3:25 a.m. I don’t think there is anything natural about waking up that early. I eventually did move and lace up.

Before I left I was reminder by my boyfriend to take the Pepper Gel.

Headlight, layered clothing, and pepper gel, check.

As I was running, I thought about my black body as I ran through my neighborhood. Black women’s body have always been seen as a threat in a dominate white society. Also how our bodies take on stress, we internalize our stress and the stress of others to get things down. My black body is scared and precious but it is a threat to others. Now with the openness of white nationalist and insurgents, I have to be extra vigilant than I was before. Running while black, Running while being a black woman. It is dangerous out there for me. Yet, I want and need to run. I need the space and freedom to think and have my time.

I love the quiet and the beauty of the early a.m. run. I don’t want to stop or change that. I need to be careful and protect myself. I don’t have the privilege to just lace up and go. These are my thoughts as I ran with pepper gel in 38 degree weather in the a.m.

Since it was “winter warm” I ran to Constitution Beach. You can see the planes from the airport as they get ready to take off or come into the airport. I could have stayed on the beach and watch the planes all morning. As loud as the jet engineers were, it was oddly peaceful and calming.

After my lovely pause, I continued running. I noticed other runners that passed me didn’t have on a headlight or reflective gear or even some protection( that I could see).- Note to self

5.27 miles for Thursday

Friday urban goodness

Friday urban goodness

Not cookie time but track time

Not cookie time but track time