Saturday Walk and Hike

Saturday Walk and Hike

COVID-19 aka.. The Rona Era

Today is going to be sunny. Today is going to be the best day of the weekend. This is a day that I should be out period. Friday totally kicked my ass with a long three hour conference call and getting my classes online ready. Plus I had a cocktail zoom with my Boston girls at 9pm on Friday. When Saturday came my asset was tired. To keep moving and mix things up I went for a walk in the morning and hiking later on in the afternoon.

I took a mental health break from my computer since this is no the only means to work, communicate, play, research, date, and get informed. I’m not use to it and I don’t like. I will have to get use to it. I just wanted a break from it all. Saturday was a mental health and physical health day.

I walked a couple of miles in my neighborhood and then I met my buddy Scott to hike in Middlesex Fells Reservations which I have never been too. Clearly, everybody and their momma had the same idea because it was Saturday and it so 50 degrees out. That place was packed. 6 ft away maybe was translated to 2-3 feet away at some spots. The reservation was so big that everyone could spread out. There were great views of the city and a nice trails. To be honest it was nice to see people out, talking, laughing, be kind to each other. There was children playing and running around. Of course there are the crazy runners who like trail runs, running around. I appreciate the racial and ethnic diversity that I saw. This was a really good use of three hours.

Sunday, wet run day

Sunday, wet run day

Franklin Park Friday

Franklin Park Friday