Franklin Park Friday

Franklin Park Friday

COVID-19 Era aka…”The Rona”

It’s Friday, it’s Friday. Friday is Franklin Park Friday. My fellow BGR -Boston Ambassador and I planned a physical distancing running date. She is training for the Boston Marathon, since the Rona postponed that until the fall she still has to retrain or change her training. I’m just trying to build back strength in my knee. Her goal today: run 5 miles. Mine was 4 miles.

We meet at 6:15 a..m in the quiet of the park morning. Spring is here because it was 44 degrees at 6 a.m. in the morning. She mapped out our route.

I forgot about all the inclines in the park because it had been a while since I ran in the park. They are no joke. I needed my endurance, stamina, and strength for those inclines. Which is symbolic for what is during the “rona” era.

I was spring sweating for sure. I survived it. Unfortunately I’m like a little kid and I lost the socks that my Friend Maureen gave me. I’ve been using them as gloves and I lost them. Ugh.

The bonus was seeing African-Americans out walking and running this morning. My running spaces have been in white spaces. I wanted to know where all the black and brown folks are. I found them.

4.12 miles for the last Friday of March!

Saturday Walk and Hike

Saturday Walk and Hike

Urban Art, Nature, and Geese

Urban Art, Nature, and Geese