10 miles to find the beauty of the day

10 miles to find the beauty of the day

I was not planning on running this morning. It’s humid out, I’m on my period and I’m tired. I woke up to news that another mass shooting has happened, 24 hours after the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. This time it happened in Ohio, Dayton Ohio. This is personal for me because my best friend lives in the Oregon District where the shooting happened. She heard the gun shoots because she lives 3 blocks away from where it happened. This is a place I have visited many times to see her and her family. I woke up angry and disgusted. I woke up to the silence we continue to have towards white supremacy and the terrorism of black, brown, immigrant, and gay, lesbian, queen, and transgender people.

So it was best I go for a run. I had to let my emotions out in some way. For me running has always been about my emotional, mental, and spiritual health. The physical health has been the bonus. I ran 10 miles in the a.m to find some beauty of the day, and I did.

Last TT before #45

Last TT before #45

Running on the other side of the tracks

Running on the other side of the tracks