Splashy 10 miler surprise

Splashy 10 miler surprise

66 degrees, yes please and thank you. This morning it feels like fall, and I'm not complaining. I feel like it has been a while since I ran 10 miles. I need to get back on the wagon. I got up later than I wanted but I didn't need my headlight to go running. It was still very quiet out. I think this weekend, a lot of people are away. Getting that last vacation, get away in before school starts. I know I need to get back on the wagon because I stopped 3 times to take a couple of seconds to recover before I started running again. And it's time for new shoes because I can feel it in my knees. I'm proud I got the 10 miles in. I need to make sure to have a strong week because in 8 weeks I have the back to back for state #38 and #39.


Me and the city

Me and the city

8.18.18...was just epic

8.18.18...was just epic