Back with 5:15am crew

Back with 5:15am crew

Sweet Baby Jesus. It's 5 degrees out and I made my way to my 5:15am crew's wake-up/shake up class. We did stacking this morning which shocked our bodies with a mixture of multiple exercise routines from high knees, planks, weights, cardio, core work and more.

I woke up extra early because I had to factor letting the car warm up and the new Cal-Zone location and how long it would take. I did not want to be late . I knew that I was not the only one that would be there in the a.m. There was 9 other women that got up and struggled with me too.

Once there it was sweaty and good. I was reminded to not get comfortable and challenge myself. I was in awesome company to continue that

5k 18 degree humpday

5k 18 degree humpday

1st Run 2018

1st Run 2018