Keep Chomping Away

Keep Chomping Away

Clearly I am not chasing Pokemon Go. I still don't know what the fuss and craz is about. I'll follow Pac-Man for sure! :).

Besides the Why of the Pokemon Go craz, "What is the Why?" was the question brought up yesterday at the Black Girls Run- Boston. Meet and Greet. I recently became a BGR ambassador. We (two of us) thought a meet and greet would be a great way to introduce ourselves to the ladies and to get ideas on what we can do to support and get the ladies more involved.

The conversation became "what is your why". Why did you join? Why are you motivated to run? Why?

Every lady has a different why which brought them all to this place. The why is what has shaped every lady's journey.

We have to stress that everyone has a different why. There is no need to try to follow or emulate someone's why.

I hear the..."I don't run marathons....I haven't run a 5k......I run a slow pace.....I don't want to slow anyone down."..

Part of the mission/movement of BGR is that no woman is left behind. We are here to support an be an agent to help each woman with her own journey...her own why.

That is the beauty of us.




Not about Tommy but Nate and Rugby.  Passion

Not about Tommy but Nate and Rugby. Passion

Olympic Spirit and Out Running #10

Olympic Spirit and Out Running #10