5 Mile Island Run
Screw the work, life, workout balance. Sometimes is just going to be unbalanced and things will get done when they can. This is such a busy working weekend. But I made a comment to run today(Saturday) and Pull a Plane for Cancer Research on Sunday. To quote Tim Gun I have to " Make it work".
Today was the 5 mile/ 5k run Blue Cross Blue Shield Run on Spectacle Island. We had about 16 members of BGR rolling deep on this race. Plus to make the pot sweeter we had a discount code to get $15 off. The $50 race only cost $35. Had to do it. Had to do it for the price, represent and be with the ladies for support and encouragement, and run a Boston Harbor Island which I had never done before.
The days leading up to this were cold and wet. Hurricane Jose was leaving his mark on the east coast. I wasn't sure about the weather. It turned out to be a beauty, hot, and muggy day in the high 70s.
We have fun!! We posted, chatted on facebook live, and had a dance party on the deck with the dj playing tunes.
If people didn't know about BGR they knew today.
This 5 mile race was all up hill. It reminded me of the MOAT race in Florida and a bit of West Virginia. Hills, grass, gravel, and mud. The first mile was straight up hill. I remember thinking " Oh this is what we are doing, ok".
At one point it got super muggy. Needless to say there was lots of cursing going on.
An added bit of uncomfortable was seeing one of my co-workers on the boat and race. William, the Philosophy professor also runs. That was a shocker. But when your on a boat and later on an island your kind of trapped.
Because the ladies of BGR have so much personality, the photographers and people loved to be around us. I know we got several black women interested in joining, other black women who volunteered came over to us to wish us look and give that sista girl...I'm proud of ya'll.
A side funny..One white woman, not sure if she had been drinking or she was just being her, said " I would want to join your runninggroup". She made a comment that she never heard of us. We told her how this is a national organization with chapters across the country. Sheasked if she could join our running group. Luckily, her daughter said, " Mom don't be silly" and gave a look of embarrassment to shut her up. I said there are only 3 black women running groups and hundreds of white women running groups with a smile. ,
All in ALL, this was my happy place. Then we found out we received the largest group award!!! That has happened never. So excited and happy