Virgo season: Labor and Birthday Run Day Celebrations

Virgo season: Labor and Birthday Run Day Celebrations

Sunday I was resting because I knew for the Monday am labor day run I would be running 8 miles. 8.74 miles to be exact. One of our BGR Boston members wanted to run 8 miles for her 40th birthday, which happened to be on Labor Day. KB sent out the email to run Diva style. We were going to kick things off at 6am for a run down Blue Hill Avenue. Blue Hill Ave, is historic and one of the main roads in the city. We ran through Milton, Mattapan, and Roxbury to end up at Blue Hill Ave and Dudley street, and then we turned around.

KB, had a tent with goodies sent up at the start. Then her coach had a water station around mile 2.50 in front of the Franklin Park Zoo. About 12 of us showed up to run with her.

She had stick on post its, so we can make them our bibs, running id waist bands in case something happened to us, and of course music to get us going.

This was such an amazing and awesome way to start the day and reflect on what Labor day means.


It was quiet and perfect running weather. As I was running, I saw people walking and smoking, and smiling at me. They gave their looks of approval and support while they puffed. At a certain point, there were no longer bike lanes. I had to run on the pavement. A road that have driven up and down many times, seemed a bit longer when running. Plus I was able to actually see the community from a different point of view.  There were paintings and building that I had never notice before

Fuel for thought: As the city keeps building these luxury condos and apartment, I see how the monies are being divested in these communities. Empty lots, potential for business to be renovated, and yet there was nothing. All the wealth and investments consistently goes in one area or market to certain types of people.

Always the stares....................

I don't know if its seeing people running or seeing a bunch of black women running which makes people stare. Not just look but stare. That speaks volumes about how people view " who should run" and have green space and access to do that.

SO many laborious thoughts.

First Day of the New Semester

First Day of the New Semester

Over or Under Bridges

Over or Under Bridges