Last Track Tuesday of Black History Month
The crazy era of WTF
The struggle is real. It was hard to get up this morning for Track Tuesday. I’m tired and I think my soul is tired. I know I had to get up and move my body. I had to get the getting ready process going. Take the pill combo of Tylenol and Advil. Heat up the knee pad, go downstairs and get track clothes from the dyer( I was too tired yesterday evening to get them), get my bag ready, brush my teeth, comb my hair, wash my face. All this was done before 5:08 in the morning.
I left my garmin watch at the Iowan’s house. My plan was to use my phone or borrow some’s watch. Once I get everything ready and headed out the door, it was 41 degrees out. Yeah, to a hot girl summer… somewhat.
This was good. The snow and ice were melting. I did not have to wear my heavy coat.
Even with all the things I had to do, I still arrived at track early. 5:45a.m. This workout is called the Michigan.
1200 at 10k pace
5 min temp run
800 at 10k pace
5min temp run
400 at 5k pace
5 min temp run
200 at mile pace.
My track math equals, how many times we go around. 6 times, 4 times, 2 times, then 1 time.
Even though I did not have my watch, I kept on pace. When it came to the last 200, I let the team go, I didn’t have any more fuel in my tank. It’s hot and dry in the Reggie. This was the first time that I finished my water. We worked it hard.
Today, we did not have a larger turn out. 80 people. There was some room to move a bit on the track.
I’m happy that I was able to run and get some miles on my legs. Even without my watch I know we ran about 3 miles. That’s a check and a win.