First Saturday 5 miler

First Saturday 5 miler

COVID-19, '“The Rona Era”

I have a new workout plan, thanks to KB, my co-ambassador. She’s training for the Sydney Marathon in September. He coach gave her a workout plan to start getting her body ready for Marathon training, which won’t happen until June/July- the hardcore training. The 16-20 weeks out before marathon training.

In this early stage, she was told to do 45mins, 4 days a week. 20/25 on bike and 20/25 on elliptical machine. Long runs should be 6-8 miles, and there needs to be 5k once a week.

My modification with this knee of mine is 45mins- twice a week, strength training twice a week, and a 6-8 mile long run. I run a 3 miles for Track Tuesday, anyway, so I’m set there.

Last week my long run was 4 miles. Today, I got 5 miles in. Still building and working on getting stronger.

This week was the second week of school and the first week of the bombardment of 47th racist, classist, and revengeful Executive Orders. It’s important to know what is going on but damn. I feel like these are the new fugitive slave laws.

I know that I need to keep my body and mind healthy and strong so I can have the energies and stamina to push back.

This morning in 25 degree weather I ran in Charlestown. This time at North point. The morning fools you. The sky is so blue and it’s sunny. Once you open those doors…Whoa. I layered up and ran around 8a.m. this morning.

I know it takes my leg 1-2 miles to get warmed up before I can get into a running stride. It the quiet of the morning it was nice to think and take in everything around me. I ran through the Charlestown Navy year and the USS constitution. I couldn’t help but think about the men and women who have to serve under the new Secretary of Defense. Someone with no experience and said the most vile things will be making decisions that will impact the lives of people in the service. I kept on running and thinking

I passed Spaudling Rehab and the Boston skyline. Slowly, I started to see the runners. Not sure if people were on their training runs or just out for a run, but they were out there.

All the while, I kept listening to my knee. I think I’m going to have to go back to intervals. I kept running. I passed a piece of the Berlin Wall, which represented the fall of Communism in the East. I wonder if this administration will put up a physical wall around borders, communities, and people for those that do not agree with all the Executive Orders.

Lots on my mind while I ran this morning. I finished a 5miler in 1:10:30. It’s a start and a baseline. My goal is to find the beauty, joy, and peace while running.

Last Track Tuesday of January

Last Track Tuesday of January

Track Tuesday: Solo Red Pacer

Track Tuesday: Solo Red Pacer