COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

And so it starts…..August. This is the month of transition. Time to get ready for school, say bye to summer, and slowly get into the mindset of fall semester. I’m so not ready. This summer heat does not help for marathon training. I’m starting off this month by running around the pond, Horn Pond.

It does not matter how early I get up, it is still humid and nasty out. I did my two laps around the pond. I was expecting to see my older gentleman guy, who always gives me a high five when I pass him as he walks. I didn’t see him.

There were folks walking around the pond. I’m never alone and the stalkers are always out.

4 miles in 46 mins done. Motto of summer: slow, strong, and steady

First Friday of August

First Friday of August

Soupy Track Tuesday

Soupy Track Tuesday