Last Brother/ Sista run of 2024
COVID-19, “The Rona Era”
Still working on my knee and getting stronger. Since Every Woman’s Marathon, I’ve been running less. I ran the Turkey Trot and some 5k runs here and there. Today, was the last Brotha and Sista run for BGR and BMR. It started at 8a.m. and it’s 20 degrees out. I thought I should go and see people and be apart of community since I have not in a while.
And I’m so glad I did. It was nice to run with others instead of being alone. I met ms. Katonya at the clock in Peabody square. We could have a business conversation on all BGR Boston stuff before everyone showed up. Plus we could stay warm. - ha1
Around 8:15 is when the BMR brothers showed up. Slowly BGR ladies came too. We had a great group to start the warm up drills. If I ran alone I would not have a warm up drill. My knee and body needs to be stretched out in all kinds of ways.
Hugs, smiles, laughs, booty pops, and comments about the weather and body waking up all happened.
Captain Jeff let us know that 10-15 minutes a day is all you need to extend your life. We need to do all the moving. Note to self. Normally they have a 1 mile walk, 3 or 5 mile run. I opted to be with the 3 mile group.
I told them that I’m a bit wobbly but I would still run. I haven’t run in a bit. I do PT exercises and strength training but running is a different thing. It took 2 miles before my leg really warmed up.
Part of running in community is catching up with people. You do not realize all the crap and things people are going through. Running is a good release for mental health. Many of us are going through it this year.
I was happy to just listen and be a sounding board.
We had a couple of stops and got a bit turned around. Over all I ran 3.45 miles in 40:56 with at 11:52 mile pace. I’ll take it. And I ran up a hill without stopping with the knee. Progress not perfection.