Turkey Trot 2024

Turkey Trot 2024

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

It’s time for the 2024 Turkey Trot. Ever since I lost my mother and found “ running”, this has been the race that has helped me worked through Thanksgiving without her. I remember my first race and there might have been 450 people. This was in 2013. Now 2000 folks participate and it’s the largest Turkey Trot in Boston.

As I’ve been working on my grief and learning about running, my Thanksgiving experience has changed as well. At first I would run the Turkey Trot then go home and cook and eat dinner alone. Then I would run the Turkey Trot and just pop in and visit folks on Thanksgiving. I wouldn’t stay. Maybe have a drink, chat, but then I would leave. Now, I found a place to go with my Iowan. Turkey Trot always come first.

This year post November 5th, things are different. Moving forward our world is about to change dramatically. I’ll save that commentary for another day.

BGR Boston decided to have a Janet Jacket Rhythm nation costume theme. Years past we did Where’s Waldo, Emoji, Black Panther themes. I wasn’t too crazy about this theme. I did not push back or have an idea of something else.

I decided to wear my Google Google Bitches shirt and turkey hat. The weather was suppose to be crappy with cold and rain. This worked for me.. The ladies that had on their all black with hat, mole, hair, and Rhythm nation outfits looked good..

Today was also the first time since the Everywoman’s Marathon that I’ve run.I gave myself two weeks to rest and heal. I did go to PT and strength training twice. I’m on working on the comeback. This would be a test.

Before the race, one of our members did a pre- run workout in the parking lot. Then we had a group picture with the mayor, Michelle Wu. I thanked her for all she has done and is doing. Those folks that are about to be in power on Jan. 20th have come after her. Well, all the mayors who have sanctuary cities. It’s such a hot mess.

When I looked at my watch it was 8:50a.m! No more shenanigans, I had to get lined up and ready to run. After I finished the Iowan and I were heading to Concord, New Hampshire for Thanksgiving Day, Lunch at 1pm.

As I walked to find a spot to run, I saw all the colorful and unique costumes. And the dogs. There were so many dogs. They never divide folks or put them in corrals: baby strollers and runners in one place, runners with dogs in another place, and runners in a different place along the race route. Nope, we are all lumped together.

I chatted with some folks I saw. Did some strengthening and next thing I knew, we were off.. I was feeling fine. My right leg did feel tight. Not as tight as it had been in the past. I knew to pop some aleve before I ran.

Looking at the golf course, the leaves turning color, and being surrounded by all the local people running was nice. I missed Franklin Park. I was being mindful of everything.

I thought I could run the 5k straight but I had to stop a couple of times and walk. I did not think about doing interval running for this 5k. That may be what I have to do moving forward.

I was happy to see my girl KB as part of the cheer squad.

Yeah, my leg felt tight. I did not think to put KT tape on or where a keen compression sleeve. I”m going to still need these things to help my knee get stronger.

I was proud of my first run since the Marathon.

Chip time: 35:15

Chip Pace: 11:20

Over all Place: 1063

Gender Rank:479

Age Group Rank:61

Yay me.

Last Brother/ Sista run of 2024

Last Brother/ Sista run of 2024

Last 5k before 26.2

Last 5k before 26.2