Very very very very wet Track Tuesday

Very very very very wet Track Tuesday

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

Today was the second time I showed up as a Pacer. Normally there are three of us, today there were two. When we got the instructions for the workout, I had to do some homework. 10 min temp run. 2 min break. 4 x 200s at 10k and 5k pace with a minute break in between. Then another 10 min temp run and repeat the 4 x 200s.

I needed to figure out, what was my tempo pace, 10k pace, 5k pace. Since I am a pacer I needed to stay on pace. No pressure or worries…wrong. I told myself to just do my best.

Plot twist. When I left the house this morning it was raining, really raining. If I wasn’t a pacer I would have went back to bed. But no, I needed to show up. Normally Tiffany does not in rain. Pacer Tiffany runs in rain.

As I drove to MIT track, the rain got heavier. My thought: Is anyone going to show up? Is track Tuesday going to be cancelled? The answer is Yes and No to those questions. Runners showed up. It was a very light crowd. MB and I had two people for team red. Which, really made our job easier. MB helped with timing and I was mindful of pace time.

It wasn’t too bad. I still need to figure out my watch situation- meaning how to properly use it. It wasn’t bad. Second time around was good. But I still hate running in the rain.

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Saturday " Still Summer" Beach Running

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