6th annual Birthday Diva Run

6th annual Birthday Diva Run

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I got up at 4:45 a.m. in Woburn so I can be at Mattapan square off of Truman Parkway for the Birthday Diva Run. Katonya, my co-ambassador for blacks girls run has been doing her 9 mile celebration run down Blue Hill Ave and back for 6 years now.

I’m a couple of days out from 6 weeks of being on post surgery “ no run” lockdown. I told Katonya, I would volunteer and help out. I don’t think after not running for 6 weeks then running 9 miles wouldn’t help ease me back into running.

The rain stayed away. It was a good turn out with Black Men Run, BAA, BGR, and Katonya’s nephews and family members. When I arrived at 5:45a.m., I was put on go “ back to the house and get my drinks” duty.

The things I do for my friend.

I didn’t run but I supported and was inspired and motivated for my run tomorrow.

Katonya, turned 47 years old. She had all of us sign her shoes because in three weeks she is off to Berlin for her 4th world major. I’m so excited for her.

Post Rain Run

Post Rain Run

Saturday Run

Saturday Run