Mural Art, miles, stalkers, before #11 radiation

Mural Art, miles, stalkers, before #11 radiation

COVID-19, “The Rona Era”

I need to rest. I believe radiation tiredness is hitting. This morning I couldn’t get out of the house until 6 a.m. I did a lot of stretching, which is going to be my norm before running. Since it looked like rain, I put on my BGR hat before running this morning. My original vision of a 10k a.m. humpday run was not going to happen since I have to leave at 7:45a.m. for radiation. I can do a 5k.

I made today a mural art 5k run in my neighborhood. Recently several murals on various buildings in the neighborhood popped up. Sea Wall is an artist campaign to promote the oceans and sea environments. I made it to three of them on my run. There are more that I have to make sure to check off during my next run. While running, I ran into my stalkers. I hope they enjoyed the mural art as much as I did.

My body felt good while I was running. Good pacing, less groin annoyance, and I ran up a couple of inclines. I did have a situation when I was on my street, running towards home. I had to run through several construction men on the street and I felt eyes. I felt a couple of eyes look at me as I ran past the men. It had been a long while since this has happen. Normally, I see the men walking towards the job and they look but don’t stare. This time, there were men on a corner waiting for instructions, I assume to start work. I wanted to yell, there is nothing to look at but I didn’t, I kept on running. When I looked back, I saw a couple of the men looking in my direction. I was the only thing to look at in that direction.

I was proud that I finished before 7 a.m. and I ran 3.38 miles. This was my recovery day. I had enough time to get ready and make a smoothie before radiation.

Today is 80s pop music and films are taken today at radiation. That means I’ll be in radiation a little bit longer than normal. They take films once a week to check on my progress. Usually done on Wednesday because I have a one on one with my doctor on Thursday.

Today I drove into radiation without a bra on. I know, I’m so gangsta. There was a back up line at the visitors/check in desk. There were two women working. Normally there are three or four folks. I just decided to walk to my appointment without checking in. I didn’t get a visitor sticker or a fresh mask, which happens everyday.

At first I felt bad. I sat in the sitting area across from the desk. I started to respond to emails on my computer to wait out the line. Because I wanted to check in. The line never got smaller. I guess Wednesday is a busy day or maybe it’s the last week of the month. After some emails read and sent, I just said F- it and walked down the hall to Radiation/ Oncology.

It seemed quite this morning. I changed and filled up my 50oz water bottle. Today I was successful with keeping ice in the water bottle. I was not successful in keeping the water in the bottle without it going all over the floor. I made sure to clean it up because it’s not the nurses job to do that.

After that situation, I pulled out the computer again to get more work done. While working, some strange man whom I never seen called my name. My thought: Who the hell are you? I didn’t say that. I asked him his name, Mark. Mark didn’t have a name tag that I could see.

In the bay area that I go to check in again, none of my regular crew was there. It was just Mark. I gave him my name and date of birth. I didn’t want to because I don’t know him. I saw on the monitor, my crew were getting the machine prepped for me. I felt better. Noel, Julia, and the other girl whose name I forgot where there.

I walked back and chatted with everyone. Before I got on the machine, I asked where the 80s music was. Everyone was looking at everyone. Really? I said to them “ we discuss this yesterday, where’s the music.” Everyone was passing the buck. I teased and said, I had one simple request and this can’t happen. Noel got on it and made Mark the DJ for today. Mark didn’t get the memo for pop 80s because he did rock 80s. Three songs played. One from U( forgot the name of song), one song was Easy Lover, and the other song was Total eclipse of the heart. I would have preferred some culture club, Madonna, or Prince. I might have a redo 80s for next week. Before I left, I quizzed them on the music for tomorrow. Everyone got it correct “ 90s pop music”

Overall radiation went well, minus the music and Mark. :).

Still keeping in the 10s for running.

Mile 1: 10:40

Mile 2: 11:44

Mile 3: 10:20

7 miler Friday a.m. : Run before Radiate.

7 miler Friday a.m. : Run before Radiate.

Run before Radiate: #10 and Last Track Tuesday of July

Run before Radiate: #10 and Last Track Tuesday of July