

COVID-19, ‘The Rona Era”

I’ll be darn. We are in month number seven in 2021. I feel like the time as gone by fast. For the first day of July, I’m not running but walking 5 miles to start the month. Ironically, the start of July is a lot cooler than the end of June. The heatwave that we had finally broke and I wanted to go to the beach. Yesterday was Revere Beach, today is Constitutional Beach. This beach is much smaller and quieter. I’ve never walked there before from my house.

Not sure how many miles it would be walking, I started my route. I noticed the more I walked, the looser, less tight my “ self diagnosed groin pain felt”. Don’t get me wrong it was still there but there was less annoying pain.

I walked on the greenway connector which is behind Wood Island T stop and leads to Constitution Beach. I did see a couple of runners on the connector but I saw a lot more people getting off the T and walking to work.

When I reached the beach there were more walkers on it and parks and recreation workers getting the beach ready for visitors. Otherwise it was quiet.

I walked the beach and turned back around. I’m glad I was able to put in more miles than my norm. It took 1:24:19 mins to walk five miles. I didn’t rush myself for time.

Hello July.

Friday July Rain

Friday July Rain

Heatwave , Beach walk

Heatwave , Beach walk