Running to the Polls
COVID-19 “The Rona Era”,
Today is September 1st and it’s also Track Tuesday. In addition to all those things it is also the first run of the month and voting day in Massachusetts. Lot of things going on for the first month. Even though I got seven hours of sleep, I was still tired when I got up this morning. Slowly, getting up and lacing up did happen.
There didn’t seem to be as many people out on the track, at least the Tuesday regulars that I have come to expect to see.
I did my usual, 1 mile to the track, 3 miles on the track, and 1 mile home run. This Tuesday, I felt as if I had to have a bowl moment while running. I didn’t think anything would explode while running but I had that feeling. I would stop and walk for a bit and then continuing running.
I was going to run straight to the voting polls but I thought it would be best to use the restroom. I am so glad I did. Because what came out of my ass was just alot.
Afterwards, I felt great and I ran to polls to vote.
It was odd, not to see anyone outside of the school that I vote at. When you walked in, there was hand sanitizer and mask for people. I apologize to workers for being so sweaty. Everyone was masked up and they had wiped down the pens and it was easy, friendly, and safe.
I made the mistake of getting two vote stickers. Oh well.
4.11 miles of voting, running, and sticker “ liberating”