Saturday 10miler with geese

Saturday 10miler with geese

Oh yeah, it’s graduation day. I’m exciting to see my sociology students graduate and continue the tradition with my better academic half of pre-gaming in the car before graduation. It’s been a 14 year tradition and we are still going strong. I’m not sure about the weather today but I want to get a good run in because there will be a lot of sitting, crying, smiling, hugging, and drinking later on. I wanted today to be my long run because I’m not sure how I will feel on Sunday morning.

I drove over to Cambridge to run my Cambridge/Boston route along the Charles River. To my surprise it was very quiet out there. I didn’t see the regular stream of runners this morning. But I did see was the stream of the geese and the baby geese, and more of the geese. Is this the season? Where have they been hiding. It’s like they appear from nowhere and now they just took over. I was mindful not to have one of the case me. When the baby chicks crossed the road I stopped.

Today did feel like spring. New birth, flowers, and grass, and a respectable 55 degrees by 6:30am. I’m ready to welcome the graduating class of 2019.

Summer visiting for a day?

Summer visiting for a day?

Friday Art and Run

Friday Art and Run