Unexpected nature/art surprise

Unexpected nature/art surprise

This morning was going to be jammed packed before 8a.m. I planned on going to the heartbreak running company for a 5:45am treadmill workout then I was going to head across the river for a 7a.m. doctor’s appointment that I made 6 months ago. When I got to HB, the doors were locked and no one was in the studio. After checking the site, they cancelled class. I was pretty bummed about it. I just recalculated myself and decided to run close to my dentist appointment.

There is a part of the Emerald Necklace called Riverway which is near my dentist office that I didn’t know exist. As I ran and explore, there was a public art display throughout the Riverwalk. It was art, plus the geese were loud, active, and eating like crazy. This park was so green and lush looking that as the sun came up, the place looked hauntingly beautiful.

I planned on doing a 5k it was over 2 miles of running and taking in nature and art.

Trackwork out returns

Trackwork out returns

Southie Gentrified  10k

Southie Gentrified 10k