First run post State #35
This a.m. was my first time running back in the bean since leaving for state #35. It was a chilly and windy 38 degrees for a10k a.m. humpday run. I guess I'm still tired because my 10k humpday run turned out to be a 5k humpday run. I'm not going to beat myself up.
I went to Cardio-Bootcamp last night and ever since I came back it's been nonstop. I got back on the red-eye from New Mexico Sunday morning( after running 13.1), then I came home showered and changed. Once I had a minute to rest I went to government center for the NBMA Meet and Greet. There I able several african-american runners who are running in the boston Marathon. Plus I was able to see my BGR Boston ladies. Then on Marathon Monday in the brutal weather conditions, I was in the grandstand waiting to see runners cross the finish line. After 4 hours I went to a board meeting for two hours. Then it was tuesday.
I need to get back on my running schedule because in 11 days I'm off to DC for my birthday run. Oh my :)