Running before sunrise

Running before sunrise

How is it possible that this is the last week of the month of February. The last Monday of the month as well. Luckily, my first run back  in the bean after conferencing in Baltimore was a good 37 degrees. I had a good 5.47 mile run before sunrise at 6:35am.

What is always disturbing to me is the male gaze when I run.  This morning a man in his car stared at me....I know, runner at 5:30 in the morning, crazy. Then when he turned the corner, he kept staring while driving. Really?  I was running down a lit street. I those a.m. stares very unsettling. If I wasn't aware of my safety, I would have run up to him and asked what he was looking at.

I didn't I kept in my zone to prepare me for the madness of Monday.

What happen was.......................

What happen was.......................

Edgar Allen Poe a.m.

Edgar Allen Poe a.m.