Post Election Humpday

Post Election Humpday

Last night was a roller coaster of emotions and feelings. There were great wins and many firsts and there were some hard losses. Yeah for Black, Muslim, Native, and Latinx women who were elected in Congress and more. As well as Guy and Lesbian men and women into seats of power. On the flip side, Governor races in Florida and Georgia hurt.

My take away from the last year is vigilance and perseverance for justice and to keep running on the pavement. Even if things don’t go the way you want, then what are those lessons and you keep moving forward. I do feel awe inspired this morning. The bonus is the warm 54 degree fall weather. I set out to run a 5k but ran 1.80 miles instead. I just wanted to take in the morning and have a moment.

a.m. beach run...why not?

a.m. beach run...why not?

Election Day 10k

Election Day 10k