Election Day 10k

Election Day 10k

It’s been four days since my last a.m. run. I’m acting like I don’t have a half marathon to run in 12 days. Plus I’ve been an extreme social butterfly the last 72 hours and my ass is tired and old. lol. I can’t hang like I use to. Correct I can hang but the recovery time takes days.

Today was a good day to get back on the wagon. Election Day. There is so much at stake with the Mid-term elections. So much still around voting and voter’s right. My fuel for thought this morning was thinking about my first Back to Back( Alabama and Mississippi) and how my dad and I made the track to go to the Selma and cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Also known as Bloody Sunday as thousands of people walked across for voters right.

Since I was not there to cross the bridge I made sure to run over a couple of bridges and some incline hills this morning because I am thankful for those who made sure I could vote today

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Post Election Humpday

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