Chasing the Sun

Chasing the Sun

Saturday a.m. 7 mile long run was on both sides of the Charles River. I find it funny that " 7 miles can make things better".  That something that I would have never ever said! :). This was the first week of classes and yesterday I protested with faculty members over the 203 days we have been without a contract and the reduction of options for our healthcare coverage.

Running has become a way to channel my emotions and to process and think. I appreciate the lack of people on the running path and just being with nature. 

I know to be in a space to think unfortunately is a privilege that many people don't have.  My running thoughts were about:-events of yesterday, -getting my syllabus ready for class, preparing to meet the ex-wife, ex-wife's boyfriend, and the son of a man I'm dating for the first time tonight and hanging out with my friends on Saturday and Sunday.

-Tis is the life...all in 7 miles

Lit Run

Lit Run

Running with Da Fish

Running with Da Fish